
Alex K Wins Week 16 in Ballhawk League
Defeats the Competition With a 21-Ball Week, Averaging 7 Per Game
by Alan Schuster, July 31, 2009
Totalling 21 balls in 3 games, Alex K beat out the 20+ ballhawks in Erik Jab's Ballhawk League, earning first place in Week 16. Battling huge crowds in the 3 games, all at New Yankee Stadium, Alex snagged 5 balls on July 20, 6 more on July 23, and finished the week with 10 balls on July 24. Overall, the breakdown of his 21 balls for the week shows 17 thrown balls and 4 hit balls. Unquestionably, the highlight of the week was the double-digit performance on the 24th. With an attendance of 46,086, Alex's 10 balls calculate to a competition factor of 460,860 - a number that surpasses the competition factor of his 15-ball game earlier this season at Camden Yards. On his blog, Alex recounts the details of each ball he obtained. His most memorable moments occurred toward the end of batting practice in the July 24th game. "He hit one of those bombs to me," he wrote, describing a right-handed batter who was blasting BP home runs. "It was a high fly ball two rows down and one step to my right. I moved the distance, got ready, and caught my 7th ball on the fly right in front of a clue-less, eating family, in which someone would've been seriously hurt had I not been there." Not too long after that, the same batter hit another bomb towards Alex. "I could see it coming, and so did some other people," he wrote. "We judged it, but the ball was closer to a guy next to me. Luckily he didn't have a glove and he dropped it and I was able to snatch it off the ground for my 9th ball. That caused people to say 'That's THREE!' Nope, that's nine." Alex snagged one more after that to finish with 10, his third double-digit game of the season. Overall, he has snagged 171 balls in 29 games this season, an average of 5.9 balls per game. He is currently in 4th place in both the Ballhawk League standings and the season leaderboard. Read more about Alex K's exciting week on his Blog


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