
Meyer Perfects Art of Third Out Snagging
Kansas City Ballhawk Records Eight Third Out Snags So Far in 2011
by Alan Schuster, May 12, 2011
Meyer shows off a game-used baseball along with some lineup cards that he snagged during a Royals-Indians game.Kansas City ballhawk Garrett Meyer has found his favorite place to sit at Kauffman Stadium. Starting early this season he began watching every game from right behind the visiting team's dugout, and that decision has paid off big time. From that spot he's already grabbed 11 game-used baseballs, eight of which were third out balls and three of which were foul balls that were tossed up. His strategy? Nothing too complicated -- just simply wearing a t-shirt of the opposing team (he owns one for every American League team) and politely asking for a ball. "It's fun to see some people's reactions when I take off my Royals pullover to show my visiting team t-shirt, get a ball, and put the Royals pullover back on," he said. "Most people usually don't seem to mind because I'm respectful about it. If there are a bunch of kids, I let them go first. And occasionally I will give a kid a baseball (from earlier in the day) who has been trying to catch one but has had no success." Meyer has had good success during batting practice as well. He's snagged a total of 62 balls this season, good for seventh on the season leaderboard. Check out Garrett Meyer's complete collection on his Member Page


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