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MGB Members
Info Photo
First name: William
Last name: Launderville
Nickname: CDAWG
Age: 16
Home city/town: Belleville, Ontario
Local team: Blue Jays
Local stadium: Rogers Centre
E-mail: login to view
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Twitter handle: Threejag
Twitter widget-ID: 223999472
Verified user: Yes

Games for     TOTAL - 7.00     AVG - 2.33      GHR - 0    
Date Home Team Visiting Team Stadium # Balls Comp Factor
 Jun 17/24   Blue Jays   Red Sox   Rogers Centre
40,000 80,000
 Apr 13/24   Blue Jays   Rockies   Rogers Centre
31,472 94,416
 Apr 9/24   Blue Jays   Mariners   Rogers Centre
31,310 93,930
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Category Lifetime 2024 2023 2022 2021
  Total Balls 405 7 38 0 5
  Games Attended 98 3 9 0 2
  Average Per Game 4.13 2.33 4.22 0 2.50
  Double-digit Games 8 0 1 0 0
  Game Balls 40 0 0 0 0
  Game Home Run Balls 2 0 0 0 0
  Most Balls in One Game 15 3 11 0 3
  Average Competition Factor 139,904 76,115 120,959 0 35,523
  Spring Training Balls 0 0 0 0 0
Double-digit Games Outside
Belleville, Ontario
Game Home Run Balls
at Rogers Centre
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No articles yet but keep hawking and reporting
then we might be calling you for an interview!
Category Current / Active All-time
 Games With at Least 1 Ball 3 3
 Games With at Least 5 Balls 0 0
 Games With at Least 10 Balls 0 0
 Games With at Least 15 Balls 0 0
 Games With at Least 20 Balls 0 0
 Games outside of home
city with at least 1 ball
2 18
 Games at home stadium
with at least 1 ball
67 67


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